2012 Clifford family vacation took place down at the Gulf of Shores in Alabama, on Orange Beach over the week of the Fourth of July. Liam got to hit the beach for the first time and experience the sand, ocean and the best naps he's ever taken.
There is just something about sleeping to the real sound of the ocean (vs. his Sleep Sheep which we love every night inland) with the salty air to help clean out the remnants of crup. We were able to all enjoy our time on the beach thanks to this pop up tent
We had so much fun with my great big family and time down south. We wish we could go back, if not for the beach for all that close time with family. It's so fun to have everyone in one place. We sure are a rowdy crew and boy do we have fun.
Liam with his Gramma & Papa
More from Liam's 1st Fourth of July here!
Until the next family vacation....
Liam looks so much like your dad!